EYB London athlete Carl 'il Falco' Husslmann reports...
"Well, what is happening with the vibe in London and more importantly the local EYB athletes?
Most of our athletes are currently in preparation for this weeks Barns half-marathan. The plan was always to get Colleen (Jet fuel) Cairns across the line in a sub 1h45. Carl (il Falco) Husselmann and Grant (have you seen my flatscreen) Gove had been steadily building Cols for the big day and then tragedy struck. Cols seems to have picked up a bug and has been relegated to sidelines for the last 10 days whilst on antibiotics. With a show of true commitment Cairns has vowed to go on and has restricted her runs to shorter efforts in the hope to retain all her fitness.
The likes of Garrick and Nick Fish have been suspiciously quiet, but this athlete has had his ear to the ground and vicious rumours abound that Nick has been engrossed in some serious training with a view of breaking that magical 90 min mark(could this be true - or just a over optimistic spouse - we shall wait and see).
Inspired by EYB, we have searched for the next challenge and it fittingly comes in the form of the aptly named "Hellrunner". Click on the link www.hellrunner.co.uk to see whats it all about. 12 miles of mud/water and ferocious climbs. Sounds perfect and more importantly looks like a great vibe!
I promise to bring all the anguish, pain, sweat and eventual jubilation of the weekends half in our next instalment, including photo's.
Dont get stuck, get stuck in!!"
EYB Cape Town athletes Beef, Rooster le Riche, TGK (oh yes... he's been found and is back in the game!!), Kaasenova, Roger that 'Ten Four' Moses, Doorsy (New York Marathon Bus), and our very own 21km debutant Cam 'the aviator' Fuller, will be competing in the GRAPE RUN HALF kicking off at 6:30am on Sunday!
Good luck to all EYB Cape Town and EYB London athletes!
CONTACT US: earnyourbreakfast@gmail.com
Sh*t. Am I actually doing it? Best I start training.
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