For a change in scenery and a slightly later start for those needing their beauty sleep.... FAMM will take on the Deer Park side of the Mother City Rock.
When: Friday 2nd November, 6am
Where: Go straight up Buitenkant St, and at the top go right into Deer Park Road (YUM and DEER PARK CAFE will be on your right). at the top of this road is a beam limiting access to the mountain... we will start there!
What to bring: Your A game and vibe
What is the route: A 4-5km up and around jogging route
If you have any questions email me on
See ya all there!
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How do I get hold of contact details for you guys - I'd like to join a hiking group and this one seems great. Is there a programme out for 2008?
My email address is: and 0762250502
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