EYB LONDON - Il Falco Reports...
"Last weekend saw the running of the infamous 'Hellrunner' on a secluded army base in the south of England. Some of our EYB London faithful had decided to take on the challenge presented by the mud, bogs, sand and off-course the weather (it is November after all). Grant "the Guru", Cols "JF" and "Il Falco" made their way down to the wilderness early on Sun morning. We were lucky enough to arrive with some spare time, which immediately prompted a bit of recon work to scope out the severity of the course. After a short look the nerves got the better of us and we quickly returned to the car, the banter fell silent as we tried to decide how our fitness and humour was going to cope with the ankle deep sand pits and the freezing cold "water hazards" (Lakes to you and me). As is custom we focused on applying the vas and stretching, choosing rather to ignore what lay ahead of us.
There were 1500 odd like minded folk who appeared at the start line and the crowd vibe was truly some of the best that I have experienced. Worries were put to rest by the old timers who just nodded and explained that the route is "survivable"!!!! In a flurry of devils and fireworks we were off to tackle the 12 miles ahead of us with no real idea of what to expect. What followed was definitely one of the best races I have been involved in and a definite calendar entry for all those who are around the UK this time next year. The banter , although sometimes subdued, was always about. The crowds played out of their boots to come and support. The mixture of hard climbs, the bogs of hell and the hills of hell made for a tough event that required determination and perseverance. The weather even seemed to play its part with the sun making a break through the clouds to remind us of why we do this.
Starting and finishing together, London EYB performed well with every one of us scoring a PB on the route (forget the fact that it was a first for all of us). London EYB has decided to take on winter and although the war is far from won I think it is safe to say that the first battle was a resounding victory for the Vibe.
Some pre and post shots serve as a reminder of what we went through, but for those of you who are interested in what it really looked like (knee deep in a freezing bog) take a gander at the photo section of www.sleepmonsters.com. The hellrunner South photos are out and the relevant race numbers to look for are: Carl – 1576, Cols – 149, 1G – 1509.
One of our merry band - moi - will be taking on a 8 hour adventure race on the 3 December, but was a late draft for another team. Although (as far as I am aware) no other EYB athletes will partake I promise to keep the Vibe alive and will try post a short report on that the following week.
Don't get stuck, get stuck in (just not in a bog)."
CONTACT US: earnyourbreakfast@gmail.com
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